Survival skills lesson plans (Chapter 16 polar survival 2)


In spite of the cold weather, take a shower a little impractical, and uncomfortable, but you have to do so.

Bath can prevent skin rash and skin rash can lead to more serious problems.

In some cases, you can bath in revenge.

Grab a handful of snow body scrub sweat easily stored up, such as underarms, thighs, chest, back, etc., and then dry the body.

If you can’t take a bath, on a regular basis to wipe these parts of the body.

If conditions permit, to wash feet every day and put on clean socks.

Changing underwear at least twice every week.

If there is no way to clean underwear and take off it, shaking a few times, and then in the air for an hour or two in the air.


If you’re with local indigenous, or use other people have used from the body, should check body and clothes every night, look have lice.

If found the lice on the clothes, with insecticidal powder processing clothes.

If there is no kill insect powder, can hang clothes in the cold air, and then beat, dusting, this will get rid of lice, but unable to get rid of lice eggs.


Clothing and equipment


You must have enough clothes to warm, not only must also know how to maximize the use of these clothes to keep warm.

For example, you should head wrapped up, did not protect the head, neck, wrist, ankle and other will lose a lot of body heat.


There are four basic principles of warm, you must abide by:


Clothes to wear loose, and stratification.

Clothing and footwear are too tight will limit the blood circulation, frostbite are more likely to happen, will reduce the amount of air between the clothes and the clothes at the same time, thereby reducing the heat insulation effect.

Wear more thin clothes than an equivalent thickness of the clothing effect is better, as between clothes and clothes will form the stagnant air layer, the air layer heat insulation.

It also easy to take off and wear, hot off a immediately, to prevent excessive sweating, immediately add a colder, increase temperature.


Low to avoid excessive heat.

If the heat is too high, you will be sweating, clothes can absorb sweat, this will affect your body temperature in two ways: humidity, reduce the heat insulation performance of clothes;

Sweat evaporation in the cooling effect of hypothermia.

To adjust the thickness of the clothes, make oneself not to sweat.

You can partially open coat or jacket, or take off in a layer of clothes, or take off your gloves, or take off the coat hat or reduce the head package and so on.

When heat is too high, the head and hands are effective cooling section.


Second-ranking keep clothes dry.

In a cold climate, your clothes will be wet by sweat, inside the clothes outside if not waterproof, stuck in the snow is melting temperature above, will also get wet clothes.

If any, outside to wear waterproof clothing, it can prevent most of the snow melt water.

Before enter the heat from the body, brushed the snow and the frost.

No matter how to take precautions, you will almost always get wet clothes.

At this time, to dry the clothes will become major problems.

In march, the wet gloves and socks in the package above.

In freezing temperatures, sometimes the wind and the sun will blow dry and dry clothes.

Or you can put gloves and socks close-fitting good, don’t fold, you body temperature after to do them.

In camp, can put the wet clothes with a clothesline or face


When doing hanging shelf at the top of the tent.

You can also gave birth to a fire, so that you can dry each piece of clothing.

Slow drying leather clothing, don’t worry.

If you have no other way to dry your boots, you can put them in the outer layer of the sleeping bag and the lining, your body temperature will help to dry them.


“Keep your clothes clean.

From the point of view of health and comfort, this is very important, and in the winter, from the perspective of warm, it is equally important.

Have dirt and grease clothes will greatly reduce the insulation performance.

If the air layer between the clothes will be squeezed or fill up, the body’s heat will more easily lost.


In a cold climate, thick down sleeping bag is the survival of the most useful tool.

It is important to ensure that feather is dry.

If wet, the heat insulation performance will be greatly reduced.

If you don’t have a sleeping bag, can do a himself.

Prepare a parachute cloth or similar materials, to find some natural dry materials, such as leaves, pine needles, or moss, put dry material between two layers of parachute cloth, so that you can do a sleeping bag.


Other important survival items include: a knife, the waterproof matches placed in a waterproof container, best with a piece of flint, a durable compass, map, watches, moistureproof, flashlights, telescope, sunglasses, emergency fatty foods, collection of tools, signal device.

(see chapter 2 for information on survival gear.)


From the body


Carry your equipment and environment determines the you need to build from the body type.


Note: in the extremely cold weather, don’t use metal, such as aircraft fuselage, to avoid became necessary.

Metal will be produced by a little heat derived from the body.


Described in chapter 9 buffalos avoid body is probably the most easy to build from body, and in some cases, the buffalos


From the body is the most effective.


With snow and ice from the body usually need ice axe or ice saw such a tool, and need a lot of time and energy.


If you plan to in the body in the fire, be sure to leave vents.


Make sure to avoid body there is no snow or other obstacles blocking the entrance, they might make you can’t leave from the body quickly when necessary.


Remember to put out the stove or light before I go to bed.

Carbon monoxide is very dangerous, it is colorless, tasteless, produced by the yellow flame, so, if you see the flame yellow, check the ventilation device.


Without ventilation from the body in the fire may cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

Even in ventilation from the body, incomplete combustion can also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide poisoning are usually no symptoms, you will without warning to coma and death.

Sometimes, however, may be associated with the following symptoms: think temple on the pressure, have the feeling of burning eyes, headache, pulse beating violently, drowsiness, or nausea.

If found any symptoms, should get a breath of fresh air outside.


The fire


Fire in the cold weather is particularly important, it not only can cook food, still can keep warm, also can melt snow and ice to get water.


Introduce the method of the fire in chapter 9, but if you are in the region of the enemy, remember, fire smoke, smell and light may expose your whereabouts, the surrounding trees, rocks reflected of the indirect light is also a danger.

In the cold, windy weather, smoke will rise up straight, like a beacon in the daytime, but at night can help cover up the smell.

In the warmer weather, especially in the area in a wide range of trees, smoke more close to the ground, it is not easy to be found during the day, but this smell spread quickly.


If you are in the region of the enemy, should cut the growth lower branches when using the wood, do not cut down the tree.

Fallen trees can easily be found in the air.


The trees all can burn, but some trees emit more smoke when burning, such as pine trees, they contain resin and asphalt, and compared with deciduous trees, burning they release more thick, black smoke.


Polar mountain area basically do not have what material can be used when the wood, you may find some grass and moss, but very few.

The lower altitude, the more firewood is available.

Above the tree line, you may find some short shrub willow and spruce.


Within the tree line, firewood is very rich:


Inland spruce is common.

Spruce is pine trees, combustion will release a lot of smoke during the spring and summer, but in autumn and winter, spruce little smoke during burning.


American larch and pine trees, it is the only a pine branch in the autumn leaves of trees, needle fall out of it looks like a dead spruce, but in its bare branches have a lot of a knot in one’s bud and pine nuts.

When burning,


It will release a large amount of smoke, so is a good way to signal.


Birch is deciduous trees, burning up soon, the fire is very fierce, almost like soaked in oil or gas.

Most of the birch stands by the river or lake, but in far away from the water to higher occasionally find some birch.


Polar willow and qi wood usually grows in wetland, or near lakes, streams.

These trees burning fast and fierce, little smoke.


Dry moss, shrub and grass willow is other materials can be as firewood, the tundra region (open, treeless plain) often have a lot of streams.

Into a bundle of straw or other small plants or twisted into a bundle, so that they will burn more slowly, can provide more heat.


If have abandoned cars or crashed plane fuel or fuel, can use it for.

Will these stocks of fuel in the tank, used only if there is a need to take out a little.

In cold weather, the fuel will freeze, so if there is no risk of explosion, before while they still did not freeze the derive from a vehicle or plane.

If there is no container loading, let fuel flow in the snow or ice, when need to dig out of use.


Warning: in the case of low temperature, do not let bare skin touch the petroleum oil, oil oil or grease lubricants (POL), the liquid state that they can be deceptive, because they can cause frostbite.


Some plastic spoon, protective cap brim, shield, and foam rubber, it is easy to burn a lighted match, and you can continue to burn enough time to help make a fire.

For example, a plastic spoon can burn ten minutes.


In cold areas, use of fire heating or cooking will produce some danger.


Fire combustion would unconsciously erosion around the surface of the object, so don’t avoidance body too near the fire.

From the body in the snow, too much heat will melt the ice in heat insulation layer.


From the body in the fire if there is no adequate ventilation can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.


Heating or drying clothes, if not careful will burn or sear clothes and equipment.


Big fire for the escape, the palm is ideal, it requires very little fuel, but can generate much heat, and enough heat to heat the liquid.


In a closed from the body, a candle could generate enough heat.


If you want to cook a meal, a small fire and a stove is enough.

In the polar regions, rangers specially for the stove.

With a tin cans is easy to do such a stove, you can also save fuel.


A support in the forked branches simple hanger can also be used for cooking, the cooking utensils hanging, hanging on the fire.


A pile of hot coal cooking is the best heating mode.

Cross placed firewood fire coal to heat evenly.

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