Survival skills lesson plans (Chapter 15: tropical survival 1)

You may imagine tropical into a jungle area, people must way to open up a path, and every crisis in the jungle.

This is a misunderstanding.

Most tropical areas have developed, is only a small part of the jungle (forest), the greatest danger from insects and steep terrain.

Most of the ground is covered with secondary plants in the rainforest, like abandoned fields to grow plants.


In the tropics is refers to between 23.5 degrees north latitude and 23.5 degrees south latitude of the equatorial regions.

Including tropical rain forest, half a seasonal forest, tropical evergreen shrubs xerophytic forest and savanna.


If you have the following conditions, can enhance your chances of survival in the tropics —


* know how to operate this manual mentioned in a variety of skills.


“Have the ability of emergency.


Low to the principle of intelligent use of this manual mentioned.


Low to understand these areas of climate, topography, and the growth of plants and animals.


Know the danger, and how to overcome these risks.


Second-ranking keep survive (see chapter 1).


The rainforest



Tropical rain forest distribution in the americas, Asia and Africa.

Almost all of the tropical rainforests are divided in two by the equator.

There are some tropical rain forests will be distributed in the mountain, plateau, some may even have half a desert.



Tropical rain forest has the following characteristics:


Low annual rainfall is high, up to 100 inches (254 centimeters) or more, and rainfall time distribution evenly within a year.

There are five layers of plant space low.


Most of the trees are evergreen, and mostly very thick, 10 feet (3 meters) in diameter, wide spreading.


Trunk is usually fine, green, very smooth, usually does not crack.


When a large number of vines and gas plants.


Low in lower plants rarely herbs, grain plants and shrubs.


Plants grow well in the tropical rain forest, the leaves are usually extremely similar.


Trees is the main in the tropical rain forest plants, the highest tree to the average height of 150 feet to 180 feet (46 ~ 55 meters), occasionally also will see 300 feet (91 meters) tall trees.

Trunk straight and slender, usually near the top of the branches usually grow on the trees.

Most trees have flange lateral branch.

Most mature tropical trees have large, leathery dark green leaves, regardless of the shape, size or texture organizations like laurel leaves.


Other plant is mainly of woody plants, its shape and height with Joe is similar to the plant, including the sprawling plants and gas plants, vines and plant growth in other Joe this trunk, branches of the trees.

Also including bamboo, bamboo is


Huge grain in this plant.

In some areas, the bamboo can grow up to 20 to 80 feet (6-24 meters) tall, form impenetrable thicket.


There are many climbing plants in the forest, many with thick, long woody stem dry, some tightly adsorbed support them in the trees, and most have climbed up the tree canopy, like a rope, or hang in a tree.


Undergrowth including woody plants, seedlings and saplings, shrubs, and woody climbing plants in the tender.

In the original, undeveloped in the rainforest, undergrowth is usually few and far between, you can walk in any direction.

But jungle or clearing in the forest near the river, a lot of sunshine to the ground, the plant is very thick, usually is impassable.


In the tropical rainforest, you rarely see an area only a plant, or a few kinds of plants, the distribution of plants usually is very messy, so when you find a plant part is edible, you need to search for the same plant.


Tropical rain forest region is similar to the midsummer weather all year round, plants are almost in a year, but still there will be some stage has more than the other phases of plant flowering, more bud germination.

But most importantly, plant growth and growth in continuous again, at any time you can see some flowers.


Face of the rainforest is the most basic is drab, because large, eye-catching color flower is not common.

Most of the trees and shrubs flowers are very small, usually green or white.


Food source


In the middle of pristine tropical rainforest it very difficult to find food, because the fruit and nuts are usually high in the trees, reach, and other plant foods are rare.

However, at the edge of the forest, forest clearings, and abandoned buildings near there will be a lot of edible plants.

The following columns in the rainforest


You can find edible plants:


Tropical almond arenga pinnata bamboo


Banana bael bartow li


Typha goa bean pokeweed


Cyperus rotundus cashew raw potato


Water lily ling myrtles


Cocos nucifera wild figs tamarind tree


Nie lv wild grapes taro


Rice water lettuce cycas


The cherimoya oblate palm tree fern


Sugar cane tropical yam


The jungle of many animals are good source of food.

Can on the ground looking for hedgehogs, porcupines, anteater, rodents, wild boar, deer and bison.

In the tree for bats, squirrels, mice and monkeys.

Available in chapter 7 of the methods and techniques to capture prey.


If you near the stream, you can fish and other aquatic animals (see chapter 7).

Remember, fish in tropical climate is very easy to corrupt, and tropical regions of mussels in the summer are poisonous.


The jungle.

In general, the jungle survival lies in March.

Rescue team after get in touch with you, may not be able to immediately after you go, you may need to walk thousands of meters to a pick up location.


But, decided to leave your position, ready to go, before you must consider –


When you are in the possibility of position was found and rescued.


When your physical condition.


Low food and water are available.

In most of the jungle, food and water are sufficient.


Low your navigation equipment as well as your ability to use them.


When your personal equipment and clothing.


Travel to the jungle most helpful AIDS is:


A machete, can open, for food, can also be used to make a raft.


The compass, to help find direction.


Low drug for the treatment of fever and infection.


Sturdy shoes can protect your feet, make the walk more easily.


A hammock, reduced the amount of time on the ground to prepare a bed.


Low bed nets, protect you from insect bites.


Find a way out in the jungle, you should find the most safe and hinder the minimum route.

When choosing routes, your situation, weather, terrain is the main factor that you need to consider.


Hinder the least water route is often.

If possible, try to avoid a cross-country travel.

Look for a stream, walked along the stream to the downstream, in large bodies of water, camping, ready to signal, waiting for searching for the plane.

If a week haven’t get in touch with the rescue team, should continue to walk along the stream to the downstream, and set up camp again.


Along the stream may require wading, detours, marching through the dense plants, etc.

May be winding in the mountain, streams, the plant can be very thick, to observe the location of the very few, and swamp wetland is also common.

However, even in the strange field, marching along the stream has some advantages: it provides a clear route, the route is likely to lead to the home;

Can provide water and food, you can also take a boat or raft on the stream.


If you near the ridge, you are likely to find on the ridge travel is much easier than marching in the valley.

Compared with valleys, ridges, streams and fewer plants need through the swamp.

Ridge can also lead the way, I can give you provide observation sites, you can find landmarks.

In addition, the ridge will usually have a beast’s footsteps.

However, if the region with the enemy, carefully concealed himself.


To plan a day trip, to leave enough time and effort to build a safe and comfortable camp.

Before continue to travel, be sure you have obtained sufficient rest and sleep.

You how fast marching, depends on —


The weather (low temperature, sunshine, wind and rain).


Your physical condition, and companion’s physical condition, if any.


Low terrain (slope Angle, the foothold type).


Low Numbers of the enemy’s position, characteristics, in the region, and whether they know your position.


Low amount of equipment carried by you (take) you need.


Low your food requirements (if possible, should be hunting and gathering food along the way).


Before the start, decided to check the weather.

From the cloud structure can predict the weather.


To go forward, but don’t straight line.

In the jungle, plant a lot of, need to coordinate the various parts of the body to ward off plants: side shoulder, move the hips, a low back, etc.

According to the types of plants and thick degree adjust your stride length and speed.


Through the dense plants, the movement wants slow, want firm, but also need to stop to listen to the surrounding noise from time to time, attitudes of bearing.

Voices in the jungle can wear very far.


Separated by a branch or sticks to plants, lest meet with fire ants.


Don’t try to catch the branches or cane to climb or over the obstacle.

They may have thorns thorns or sharp thorns, and they may not be able to support your weight.


When you meet the wood if you can and don’t turn in the past.

Walk around to save your physical energy, also reduce the likelihood of injury.


No matter before you is what kind of trees and shrubs, don’t you looking at in front of the recent.

Don’t look at the jungle, to see through the jungle.

Should be or bent down to look at the ground.

By cultivating “eyes” of the jungle, you can avoid the scratch, scratch, lost.

And you will gain confidence.


Many animals along the beast in the jungle path.

Winds its way the road may be, but they often leads to water or open.

Travel on the road before, check the enemy, and may harm your animals.

Enemies or indigenous is easy to observe the situation of the pavement, ambush on the road layout is also very easy, so you should try to avoid road, unless you really have no other way to go.


If you travel along the road, be sure to regularly check, ensure the path that you want to place.

Be careful with those passive place, there could be a snare or trap.


If there is clear obstacles on the road, like a rope or a piece of straw mattress, then don’t go this way, he is likely to lead to a capture animals traps.



In the tropics, dusk duration of not more than thirty minutes, it’ll clear up early in the night.

Therefore, to choose good place before sunset, set up camp.

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